865-657-6190 | Flexx Fitness PT | 266 Mialaquo Center | Loudon, TN 37774

MedFit Post Rehabilitation Benefits…

MedFit is helping people eliminate their limitations, feel better and get back to the life they love!

Just because you have been released from physical therapy doesn’t necessarily me you are cured.  More times than not there were more complex reasons that you required physical therapy.  Our MedFit Post -Rehabilitation programming can help you avoid a potential re-occurrence of your condition by providing continued exercises that you had in physical therapy and add new comprehensive, targeted exercises to overcome any compensatory issues that occurred from your disease or injury.

Other benefits to be gained from this comprehensive fitness/therapy program would include, but not be limited too, cardiovascular, flexibility, proprioception, balance, resistance training, and agility’s.  Secondly, habitual physical training will promote general health, decrease medical complications associated with chronic disabilities and optimize independence.

When you join our MedFit program our professionals understand that certain conditions may contraindicate exercise as a mode of therapy.  We require a medical clearance from your physician and indications of any limitations that you may have related to your conditions before we design any exercise program.

What you will gain from our program…

  • Continue recovery through carefully developed, customized personal training
  • Bridge the gap between healthcare and fitness
  • Allow clients in the post-rehab stages of their recovery to achieve physical fitness
  • Safety for those who need assistance, guidance, or supervision with exercise
  • Our post rehab services are only for medically stable clients